How to cure a cold sore naturally?

The cold sore is never welcome on our lips. Even if it is harmless to health, it remains unpleasant and unsightly. Fortunately, there are natural treatments to avoid cold sores. Homeopathy, herbal medicine, essential oils... Discover effective grandmother's remedies to stop cold sores.

A cold sore attack is not serious, but painful and unsightly. It manifests as an eruption in the form of a "bouquet" of blisters on the upper or lower lip. In question ? A virus from the Herpes group, called Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1), has been dormant in the body since an earlier primary infection. To get rid of this cold sore, there are fortunately natural alternatives to medication, because a cold sore can quickly become a problem and must be treated.

Herpes in the mouth, on the lip: how to make it go away quickly?

Also known as a "cold sore", cold sores are a mild infectious disease. As stated above, it is caused by a highly contagious virus that is transmitted through direct or indirect contact with an infected person.

Herpes labialis manifests itself by skin lesions in the form of bubbles, like small blisters, at the level of the mouth. Before the appearance of these lesions, one may feel tingling, itching or a burning sensation on the affected area, as before the appearance of a pimple.

From these first signs, it is essential to act to prevent herpes from "coming out". If solutions based on creams or patches are available in pharmacies, and if antiviral drugs are generally used to treat them, there are also natural remedies that are sometimes enough to stop its spread. Whether homeopathic or herbal, they are a great help.

In addition, be sure to follow certain hygiene rules to prevent the virus from spreading:

  • Always wash your hands before applying any treatment;
  • Do not touch the cold sore;
  • Don't rush him;
  • Do not try to remove dead skin.

What to put as essential oils on a cold sore?

Essential oils are a good grandmother's method. From the start of herpes outbreaks, to relieve and promote the disappearance of symptoms. Be careful however, the use of essential oils is often not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, the elderly and people suffering from chronic pathologies.

Among the recommended essential oils:
  • tea tree essential oil;
  • thyme essential oil;
  • ravintsara essential oil;
  • and niaouli essential oil.
All are recognized for their antiviral effect. Ask for a mixture of diluted essential oils and place a drop on the pimple, 4 to 5 times a day. But beware all the same: pure oils can be dangerous, and if used alone, their spectrum of action is narrower. Among the ready-to-use mixtures: Tearooms from Doctor Valnet or the Erpesan stick from Biover.

What can we expect?

Thanks to their antiviral power, these essential oils limit the proliferation of the herpes virus. They may even have a slight effect on the duration of the attack, comparable to that of creams containing antivirals. Their bactericidal effect also prevents superinfection of the cold sore.

Phototherapy to accelerate cold sore healing

Plants are used from the first symptoms until healing occurs.

How do we do? Two plants have proven themselves against the herpes virus type 1:
  • lemon balm
  • and cypress

opt for a cream or lotion based on aqueous extract of lemon balm (1%), to be applied 2 to 4 times a day on the cold sore.

What can we expect?

Lecyprès is used orally, in the form of a fluid extract of standardized fresh plants (Phyto standard range from Phyto prevent), combined with fluid extract of echinacea (mixed in equal parts by the pharmacist) to stimulate immunity, take one teaspoon a day, 15 days a month as a preventive measure and during crises.

Two studies have shown that applying lemon balm cream reduces symptoms and may shorten their duration. A Belgian study has also demonstrated the benefits of cypress: it reduces the number of lesions.

Useful homeopathy against recurrent outbreaks of cold sores

Homeopathy is used when the frequency of outbreaks is bothersome, more than four to six times a year. Can be combined with conventional antivirals.

How do we do? Although the treatment is personalized, most often it is advisable to take a dose of Natrum muriatic, Sepia officinalis and Sulfur, in 15 CH, once a month and from the start of an attack. During crises, the following are recommended in addition:
  • 2 granules of Rhus toxin, Anagallis arvensis and Apis mellifica, in 7 CH;
  • Or Vaccinotoxinum in 30 CH, every hour for a day or two, then space out

What can we expect?

In the absence of studies proving the effectiveness of homeopathy, there is often a spacing of outbreaks, and sometimes a total disappearance. If the treatment is taken early enough, homeopathy can also abort an attack.

How to cure a cold sore: other natural remedies

A few natural tricks can dry out the pimple and slow down the herpes crisis.

Dry up the cold sore with cider vinegar

The goal of anti-herpes remedies is to dry out the pimple before it appears, while disinfecting the affected area. Apple cider vinegar helps to dry the skin and accelerate healing. Apply a few drops several times a day using a cotton swab at the first signs of tingling.

In an emergency, apply toothpaste to your pimple

An emergency solution, certainly not very aesthetic, consists in applying a little white paste toothpaste, if possible herbal, on the cold sore. Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse with clear water. This remedy is also well known to fight acne quickly.

Use an ice cube to stop the outbreak of herpes

To stop the herpes outbreak in its tracks, apply an ice cube to the itchy area of ​​your mouth. Be sure to wrap the ice cube in a tissue so you don't burn your skin. Hold for about ten minutes and repeat the operation two to three times a day.

Baking soda, a quick trick from grandmother

Make a paste by diluting a teaspoon of baking soda in warm water. Then apply this mixture twice a day directly to the cold sore. Leave on for half an hour and rinse.

Repel Herpes Attacks with Salt Water

If you have the opportunity to go swimming in the sea, take advantage of it! Otherwise, dilute a little salt in hot water, dip a cotton swab in it and gently apply the soaked tip to the pimples several times a day.

Slow the progression of herpes with milk

Rich in lysine, a component that slows the progression of cold sores, milk is an excellent anti-herpes product. Rub a cotton ball soaked in milk over the area to be treated several times a day. Yogurt can also be used topically and consumed during the infection period.

Garlic clove, an antiseptic against cold sores

Garlic is well known for its natural antiseptic properties. It allows to dry, while disinfecting the skin. Cut a clove of garlic in half and rub half of it on the area to be treated for a few seconds, two to three times a day.

Lemon juice to naturally stop the infection

Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic, rich in vitamin C, helps fight the herpes virus. Apply a few drops to the pimple three times a day, and take the opportunity to also consume it in lukewarm water to strengthen your immune system.

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